ICVT 8 í Brisbane í Ástralíu – Spænsk sönghefð

Okkur hafa borist þessar línur frá „kollega“ okkar á Spáni sem vekur athygli okkar á því að þeir/þau verða með sérstaka kynningu á spænskri sönghefð.  Sjá hér nánar á eftir.

My name is Pilar Lirio. I’m the president of Spanish Association of Teachers of Singing.
Next July will be ICVT 8 in Brisbane, Australia. Spain will participate with a project named Hispasong, a platform for learning Hispanic history, culture, traditions and language through vocal music. Our website is:
We’ll offer masterclasses, workshops and concerts in different cities of Australia from 1st to 16 of July. If you are planning to come, please, tell me so I can invite you to attend our activities.
Thanks and warmest regards from Spain
Pilar Lirio